Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 4, 2023

About This App

The Match-CC app is a basic matching game designed to provide enjoyment for players of all ages. With our easy to follow layout this game can be played by everyone with an IOS device. Due to help from third party services, we were able to develop and publish this app to the IOS app store.

Thank you for choosing Match-CC. We hope you have a great experience!

Collected Information

The information collected from you via Google AdMob SDK are

For more detail on Google’s privacy policy please visit these two sites below

How Your Information is Used

IP Address, to obtain a sense of your device the general location.

Non-User Related Crash Logs, this information is utilized to enhance the SDK and diagnose issues. Diagnostic information may also be used for advertising and analytics purposes.

User-Associated Performance Data is collected for the purpose of evaluating user behavior, which can include gathering information on app launch time, hang rate and or energy usage. Your performance data may be used for displaying ads, including sharing with other entities that display ads.

A Device ID is a device's advertising identifier or other app-bounded device identifiers. Your Device ID is collected for creating analytics that may be used by third-part advertising.

Advertising data, such as advertisements the user has seen, may be used to power analytics and advertising features.

Other user product interactions like app launch taps, and interaction information, like video views, may be used to improve advertising performance.

How to Control Your Information

Ways you can opt out